Prof. Peter Oloo Kisinyo


Dean School of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Rongo University,
P.O. Box 103-40404, RONGO


Name: Prof Peter Oloo Kisinyo

Work Experience: Sixteen years in Academics and four years in research

Honors and Awards: Promotion of Agricultural Extension and Education by ANAFE

Professional Affiliation/Membership to Professional Bodies: The Kenya Society for Agricultural Professionals (KESAP), Scholar Google, Research Gate, LinkedIn, Soil Science Society of East Africa, Academia, & African Crop Science

Research Interest

Soil Chemistry, Soil  Fertility, Plant Nutrition, Soil Biology, Agroforestry, Climate Change and Environmental Degradation

Ongoing Research

  • Equipping Soil and Plant Analysis Infrastructure at Rongo University funded by  National Research Fund.
  • Enhancing livelihood of smallholder farmers in Western and Eastern Kenya through Agro-ecological intensification with Sorghum based interventions funded by McKnight Foundation


Referred Journals
  1. O. Kisinyo, P.A. Opala and S. O. Gudu (2019). Response of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Munch) to organic and inorganic fertilizers on Kenyan lower midlands acid soil. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. 28(1): 1-8. ISSN: 2320-7035. DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2019/v28i130099.

Edwin Kiprono Rotich and Peter Oloo Kisinyo (2018). Influence of Cropping System and Residue Management on Selected Soil Chemical Properties. Advances in Research. Vo. 13(4) 1-8. ISSN: 2348-0394, NLM DOI: 101666096.

Kisinyo Peter Oloo and Palapala Valerie Adema (2016). Maize Response to Micro Dose Inorganic Inputs on an Acid Smallholder Farm in Kenyan Lower Midland. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology. Vol. 2(8), 125-132. 

Kisinyo P.O. (2016). Effect of lime and phosphorus fertilizer on soil chemistry and maize seedlings performance on Kenyan acid soils.    Sky Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 5(6): 097 – 106.

Nyamolo M. A., Palapala V. A. and Kisinyo P. O. (2016). Effect of Water logging on physio-chemical characteristics in maizeSky Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 5(6): 129-138

Kisinyo Peter Oloo (2016). Tobacco Cultivation Effects on Soil Fertility and Heavy Metals Concentration on Smallholder Farms in Western Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology Vol. 2 (5): 75-79. ISSN: 2465-7522.

Kisinyo Peter Oloo (2016). Phosphate Fertilizer Sources and Use in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities.  Advances in Research 7(4): 1-9. DOI: 10.9734/AIR/2016/26171.

Kisinyo Peter Oloo (2016). Long term effects of lime and phosphorus application on maize productivity in an acid soil of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Sky Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 5(3): 048 – 055. ISSN 2315-8751 ©2016 Sky Journals

Kisinyo Peter Oloo (2016). Maize Response to Organic and Inorganic Soil Amendments Grown Under Tropical Acidic Soil of Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology Vol. 2 (3):35-40. ISSN: 2465-7522.

Ksinyo, P.A. Opala, S.O. Gudu and C.O. Othieno (2015). Micro-Dosing of Inorganic Inputs on Maize Production on an Acid Soil in Kenya: An Agronomic and Economic Evaluation.  American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, Vol. 9(3): 1-9. ISSN: 2231-0606. DOI: 10.9734/AJEA/2015/17984.

Peter Asbon Opala, Peter Oloo Kisinyo and Robert Orangi Nyambati (2015). Effects of Tithonia diversifolia, farmyard manure and urea, and phosphate fertiliser application methods on maize yieldsin western Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics. 116 (1): 1-9. urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2015011347180 ISSN: 2363-6033

  1. O. Kisinyo, P.A Opala, S.O. Gudu, V. Palapala, C.O. Othieno and E. Ouma (2015). Micro Dosing of Lime, Phosphorus and Nitrogen Fertilizers Effects on Maize Performance on an Acid Soil in Kenya. Sustainable Agriculture Research Vol. 4 (2): 21-30. Doi:10.5539/sar.v4n2p21. ISSN 1927-050X E-ISSN 1927-0518.
  2. Kodiago, A. O. Onkware, S. O. Gudu, V. A. Palapala and P. O. Kisinyo (2015). Response of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit (Leucaena) Provenances to Aluminium in Potted Soil Experiment. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science. Vol. 7(2): 91-101. DOI: 10.9734/IJPSS/2015/14704

Kisinyo P. O., Opala P. A., Gudu S. O., Othieno C. O., Okalebo J. R., Palapala V. and Otinga A. N. (2014). Recent advances towards understanding and managing Kenyan acid soils for improved crop production.   African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol.9 (31): 2397-2408. DOI:10.5897/AJAR2013.8359.

  1. O. Kisinyo, C. O. Othieno,  S.O. Gudu, J.R. Okalebo, P.A. Opala,  W.K. Ng’etich R.O. Nyambati, E.O. Ouma, J. J. Agalo, S.J. Kebeney, E. J.  Too, J.A, Kisinyo and W.R. Opile (2014). Immediate and Residual Effects of Lime and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Soil Acidity and Maize Production in Western Kenya. Experimental Agriculture, Vol.  50 (1): 128–143, Doi: 10.1017/S0014479713000318.

Emilly Jepkosgesi Too, Beatrice Ang’iyo Were, Augustino Osoro Onkware, Justin Hadson Ringo, Peter Kisinyo, Anders S. Carlsson, Evans Ouma Mulata Galeta and Samuel Gudu (2014). Response of selected sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) germplasm to aluminium stress.  African Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 9(21): 1651- 1662, DOI: 10.5897/AJAR213.779.

  • O. Ligeyo, E. Ouma, S.Gudu, P. O. Kisinyo, T. Matonyei, J.R. Okalebo and C.O. Othieno (2014). Response of maize top cross hybrids to low phosphorus acid soils in Western Kenya. East. African Agriculture and Forestry. Journal. Vol. 80 (1), 25-30.
  1. A. Opala, R. O. Nyambati and P. O. Kisinyo (2014). Response of Maize to Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients in Acid Soils of Kenya. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(6): 713-723.
  2. K. Rotich, J. R. Okalebo, W. K. Ng’etich, C.O. Othieno and P. O. Kisinyo (2013). Effect of crop management system and residue on soil chemical changes (pH, soil N, organic carbon and available soil P) on ferralsols in western Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology. Nov/Dec, Vol. 1(3): 231-242.
  3. O. Kisinyo, C. O. Othieno, S.O. Gudu, J. R. Okalebo, P. A. Opala, J. K Maghanga, W. K. Ng’etich, J. J. Agalo, R.W. Opile, J. A. Kisinyo & B. O. Ogola (2013). Phosphorus Sorption and Lime Requirements of Maize Growing Acids Soil of Kenya. Sustainable Agriculture Research. Vol. 2(2): 116-123. doi:10.5539/sar.v2n2p116 URL:

Ouma Evans, Ligeyo Dickson, Matonyei Thomas, Were Beatrice, Agalo Joyce, Too Emily, Onkware Augustino, Gudu Samuel, Kisinyo Peter and Philip Nyangueso (2013). Enhancing maize grain yield in acid soils of western Kenya using aluminium tolerant germplasm. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 3: 33-46

Justin Maghanga, John Kituyi, Kisinyo Peter Oloo and Wilson Ng’etich (2013). Impact of nitrogen fertilizer applications on surface water nitrate levels within a Kenyan tea plantation. Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 2013: 1- 4.  Article 196516. http://dx.doi/10.1155/2013/196516.

  1. O. Kisinyo, S.O. Gudu, C.O. Othieno, J.R. Okalebo, P.A. Opala, J.K. Maghanga, J.J. Agalo, W.K. Ng’etich, J.A. Kisinyo, R.J. Osiyo, A.O, Nekesa, E.T. Makatiani, D.W. Odee and B.O. Ogola (2012).  Effects of lime, phosphorus and rhizobia on Sesbania sesban performance in a western Kenyan acid soil. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(18): 2800-2809, DOI: 10.5897/AJAR11.1450

Maghanga K. Justin, Kituyi L.  John, Segor K.  Fred and Kisinyo O. Peter. (2012). Comparison of soil phosphorous extraction by Olsen and double acid methods in acid soils of Western Kenya. East African Journal of Pure and Applied Science Vol. 2 (1): 1-5.

Ouma Evans, Ligeyo Dickson, Matonyei Thomas, Were Beatrice, Agalo Joyce, Too Emily, Onkware Augustino, Gudu Samuel, Kisinyo Peter, Okalebo John and Othieno Caleb (2012). Development of maize single cross hybrids for tolerance to low phosphorus. African Journal of Plant Science Vol. 6(14), pp. 394-402, DOI: 0.5897/AJPS12.134.

P.O. Kisinyo, W.K. Ng’etich, C.O. Othieno, J.R. Okalebo and W.R. Opile, (2011). Phosphorus depletion – should the ACP countries be concerned? What are the current issues for future research and policy? Published online June 2011.

  1. A. Opala J. R. Okalebo C. O. Othieno, P. Kisinyo (2010). Effect of organic and inorganic phosphorus sources on maize yields in an acid soil in western Kenya. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, 86:317 -329, DOI 10.1007/s10705-009-9294-3.

Kisinyo Peter, Gudu Samuel, Othieno Caleb, Okalebo John, Ochuodho Julius, Agalo Joyce, Ng’etich Wilson, Opala Peter,  Maghanga Justin, Osiyo Richard and Ligeyo Dickson (2009). Residual effects of lime and phosphorus application on soil and maize (Zea mays L.) performance in a Kenyan highlands acid soil.  Journal of Agriculture, Pure and Applied Science and Technology, 3: 1-10.

S.O. Gudu, P. O. Kisinyo, E.T. Makatiani, D.W. Odee, J.F.O. Esegu, S.A.O. Shamchama, C.O. Othieno, J.R. Okalebo, R.J. Osiyo and J. O. Owuoche (2009). Screening of sesbania for tolerance to aluminum toxicity and symbiotic effectiveness with acid tolerant rhizobia strains in Western Kenya acid soil. Expl. Agric., 45:417-427 (doi: 10.1017/S0014479709990044).

P.A. Opala, C.O. Othieno J.R. Okalebo, and P.O. Kisinyo (2009). Effects of combining organic materials with inorganic phosphorus sources on maize yield and financial benefits in western Kenya. Expl. Agric., 46; 23-34 (doi: 10.1017/S0014479709990457).

Okinda P. O., Obanda M., McLean G. and Kisinyo P. O.  (1999). Fermentability variations of popular clones from Nandi Hills, Kenya.  Tea vol. 20(1), 5-11.

Book Chapters

Nyamai, Daniel Odinde, Obonyo Collins Otieno, Aucha, James and Kisinyo, Peter Oloo (2017). Policy Framework and Public-Private Partnerships for Agribusiness Development in Africa. In: John A.F. Obiri, Marie-Francoise Driver, Jonathan C. Onyekwelu, Joseph G. Akpoko, Brinda Ramasawmy, Aissetou Drame-Yaye. Agribusiness in Africa – A contextualized manual for tertiary institutions and development practioners. ANAFE, Nairobi-Kenya, pp 154-173

  1. Ahamadou, P. O. Kisinyo, P. A. Opala[i], G.A. Damot, I.I. Mudita and D. Nyadanu (2017). Managing Risks Associated with Soil Degradation for Sustainable Crop Production in Africa. In: John A.F. Obiri, Marie-Francoise Driver, Jonathan C. Onyekwelu, Joseph G. Akpoko, Brinda Ramasawmy, Aissetou Drame-Yaye. Agricultural Risk Management in Africa – A contextualized manual for tertiary institutions and development practioners. ANAFE, Nairobi-Kenya, pp 64-93.

Okalebo, J. R., C. O. Othieno, S. O. Gudu, P. L. Woomer, N. K. Karanja, C. Serrem, H. K. Maritim, N. Sanginga, A. Bationo, R. M. Muasya, A. O. Esilaba, A. Adesina, P. O. Kisinyo, A. O. Nekesa, M. N. Thuita and B. Waswa. (2011). The Africa Green Revolution and the Role of Partnerships. In: Bationo, A., B. Waswa, J. M. Okeyo, F. Maina, J. Kihara (Eds) Innovations as key to Revolution: Exploring the Scientific Facts. Springer +Business Media. pp 71-82.

Okalebo, J. R., C. O. Othieno, S. O. Gudu, P. L. Woomer, N. K. Karanja, C. Serrem, H. K. Maritim, N. Sanginga, A. Bationo, R. M. Muasya, A. O. Esilaba, A. Adesina, P. O. Kisinyo, A. O. Nekesa, M. N. Thuita and B. Waswa. (2011). The Africa Green Revolution and the Role of Partnerships. In: Bationo, A., B. Waswa, J. m. Okeyo, F. Maina, J. Kihara (Eds) Innovations as key to Revolution: Exploring the Scientific Facts. Springer +Business Media. pp 71-82.

Serem A.K., Martim H.K, Kipsat M., Kisinyo P.  and Nyangueso P. (2007). Market integration and conduct analysis: An application of cattle markets in Uasin Gishu District, Kenya. In: Bationo., Waswa B., Kihara J. and Kimetu J. Advances in Soil Fertility Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, pp 1013-1018.