Name: Prof. Daniel Odinde Nyamai

Position/Designation: Associate Professor of Agroforestry and Natural Resources Management

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  1. Biography:

(a) Academic Qualification: Prof Nyamai holds an Msc and PhD in Agroforestry from the University of Oxford.

(b) Work Experience: Prof Nyamai has more than 35 years of research and development at International, regional, national levels and has vast familiarity with the University and research systems. He has supervised and graduated several postgraduate students with various research interests. He has taught courses with themes on integrated natural resources management, climate change, nexus of research and development, conservation agriculture, biodiversity and conservation of biological resources, environmental conservation and proposal development among others.

(c) Honours and Awards: (i) Prof Nyamai was honoured by Presidential Award SILVER STAR in recognition of Scientific Excellence in 2001. I have played a pivotal and supportive role in gaining approximately 30 project awards and writing over 200 concept notes. (ii) Innovative Scientific Research & Development of KEFRI – Won First Position award during the inaugural period/ ceremony in1991

(d) Professional affiliation/Membership to professional bodies, linked ln, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, Academia, etc

Prof Nyamai is a member of a wide variety of professional bodies which include but not limited to the ones listed below:

  • Forest Society of Kenya (FSK) – FSK / F / 5223)
  • Forestry Network for Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA)
  • Nature Kenya
  • Platform for African-European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development  Phase II (PAEPARD)
  • African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE)
  • Member   Climate Change Global Network
  • Member – World Association for Soil and Water Management
  • Member – African Academy of Sciences
  • Member – International Union for Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO)
  1. Research Interest

To date, I have had hands-on experience in R4D for over 35 years. During this period, I have in many occasions led the process of developing and executing an integrated program of research aimed at promoting small-holder livelihoods through agroforestry in East and Central Africa (ECA) and Southern Africa Sub-regions; built partnerships among stakeholders to analyze the strategic issues, prioritized the research challenges, and executed the programmes. Specifically, my greatest interest is in applied science and agroforestry, particularly in the fields of farming systems, food & nutritional security, biodiversity, climate change, restoration ecology, ecosystem modelling, management and terrestrial carbon dynamics, carbon mapping and accounting, natural resource management, tree domestication, integrated nutrient management, among others.

I also work as an associate specialist with various other consulting companies.


  1. On-going Research Projects

To date, am involved in a number of research for development projects in partnership with other stakeholders, a sample list is provided:

  • MICA / UNDP – Technical support in developing mine closure and rehabilitation guide for Macalder gold mines in Migori County
  • INBAR –KEFRI-Rongo University Development of a model bamboo genebank and nursery in Migori
  • In partnership with World Vision K, we are implementing farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) technologies to enhance tree cover for restoration of degraded forest and landscapes in Migori and Transmara/Narok sites
  • climate change, biofuels, natural resource management
  • Domestication and integration of Melia volkensii in Lake Basin ecosystem
  • Sustainable management of Biowaste
  1. Publications

(a) Refereed Journal Articles

Mandila, B., Odhiambo, K., Muchugi, A., Nyamai, D.O., Gachuiri, A., and Musyoka, D. (2020). Manuscript, 104027-AJPS-ANSI, titled: Edaphic and Climatic Factors Affecting Phenology of Naturally Growing Calotropis procera in Semi-Arid Regions of Kenya, submitted to Asian Journal of Plant Sciences on July 20, 2020 has been accepted for publication after revision. A Peer Review report is available online

Ochola, O.G., Nyamai, D.O and J B Okeyo Owuor (2019). Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Changes  on the Environment associated with the Establishment of Rongo University in Rongo SubCounty, Migori County, Kenya. Research Article Volume 21 Issue 5 – October 2019 DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2019.21.556072 Int J Environ Sci Nat Res.

Ochola, O.G., Nyamai, D.O and J B Okeyo Owuor (2019). University Establishment and the Rise of Informal Settlements in Kenya: A Case of Rongo University, Migori County, Kenya. Research Article Volume 21 Issue 4 – September 2019 DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2019.21.556068 Int J Environ Sci Nat Res.

Ochola, O.G., J B Okeyo Owuor and Nyamai, D.O (2019). How University Establishment Influence Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Kenya: A Case of Rongo University, Migori County, Kenya. Research Article Volume 21 Issue 5 – October 2019 DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2019.21.556075 Int J Environ Sci Nat Res.

Ochola, O.G., Nyamai, D.O and Ngodhe, O.S. (2018). Urbanization as a Driving Force in Surface Water Quality Degradation: The Case of Kenya. On-line in IJAR website. issue.

Nyamai, D.O., Ouma, G.O. and Osida, J.(2017). Promoting Multi-Actor ‘Innovation’ Platforms for Agribusiness Value Chain Models in Great Lakes Region of East Africa. Published by Advanced Journal for Environmental Science and Technology (AJEST V4. No. 1). August, 2017 Edition.

Ochola O.G. Nyamai, D.O. and Omari, S.N. (2017). Sustainable management of Forest Ecosystems in E. Africa for Sustainable Livelihoods and Environmental Resilience. In: International Journal of Advance Research. On-line in IJAR website. issue

Steve Omari Ngodhe, Daniel Nyamai and Gilbert Owato (2016). Detecting changes, causes and future prospects of Kenyan wetlands and their conservation. In: International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies. ISSN: 2347-5129 (ICV-Poland) IJFAS 2016; 4(5): 24-29. © 2016

Oeba, V.O., Muchiri, M.N., Kariuki, J.G. and Nyamai, D.O. 2009. Growth performance of Eucalyptus hybrid clones and four common landraces in Kenya. In: Journal of East African Natural Resources Management. Vol. 3, N0 1, pg 219-236

Nyamai, D.O. 2007.  Effects of water harvesting and organic manure on water use efficiency of Melia volkensii tree spp in semi-arid region of Eastern Kenya.  In: E. Afr. Agri.For. J. Vol. 69 Nos. 3 & 4, pg 291-297

Nyamai, D.O. 1996. Status of Agroforestry Research in Kenya.  In: E. Afr. Agri.For. J. Vol. 62 Nos. 1& 2, pg 25-43

Nyamai, D.O. and Juma, P. 1996.  Performance of Acacia tortilis, Prosopis juliflora and Casuarina equisitifolia provenances in Soils low in  phosphorus. In: E. Afr. Agri. For. J. Vol. 62 Nos. 1&2, pg 253-259

Nyamai, D.O.  (1992). Investigations on decomposition of foliage of woody species using Perfusion method.  In:  Plant and Soil Journal.  Vo. 139 no. 2  239 – 245p.

Hoekstra, D.A.; Pegorie, J.; Nyamai, D.O. and Kanja, F.M.  (1991).  Exploratory on-farm hedgerow intercropping trial.  Dryland Agroforestry Research Project, Machakos, Kenya. In:  Agroforestry Systems Journal.  Vol. 15 nos. 2-3, 295p.

Nyamai, D.O.  (1991). Phosphorus uptake by different tree species under low phosphorus soils. In:  The International Tree Crops Journal.  Volume 7 (1991) 77-82p.

Nyamai, D.O. (1991). Multipurpose Tree Screening and Management for Agroforestry and Alley Farming Systems.  In:  Agroforestry systems 15:  245 – 257.

Nyamai, D.O.  (1990). Overview of on-farm Agroforestry Research activities and potentials in Kenya.  Paper presented at the International Workshop on “Participatory Methods for on-farm Agroforestry Research”.  In:  Agroforestry Systems Journal.  Vol. 15 nos. 2-3, 298p.

Nyamai, D.O.; Esilaba, A.; Ongugo, P.; Miano, D.M.; Odongo, N.; and Wanjiku J.  (1992). Potential of alley farming with Leucaena leucocephala and Calliandra calothyrsus on a nitosol in Central, Kenya.  In:  Agroforestry Systems Journal 5:23 pp154-165.

(b) Books, Book Chapters, Reports, Strategic Plans and Technical Manuals

Nyamai, D.O; Obonyo, C.O; Aucha, J. and Kisinyo, P.O. (2017). Policy framework and public-private partnerships for agribusiness development in Africa. In: Obiri J.A. F., Driver M.F., Onyekwelu J.C., Akpoko J.G., Ramasawmy B. and Drame-Yaye, A. (Editors). Agribusiness in Africa. A contextualized manual for Tertiary Institutions and Development Practioners. ANAFE, ICRAF , Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 978929059 403 1  204pp.

Obiri J.A. F. and Nyamai, D.O. (2017). Environmental Services in Agroforestry Systems under Changing Climatic Conditions. In: Obiri J.A. F., Driver M.F., Onyekwelu J.C., Akpoko J.G., Ramasawmy B. and Drame-Yaye, A. (Editors).  Agricultural Risk Management in Africa. A contextualized manual for Tertiary Institutions and Development Practioners. ANAFE, ICRAF , Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 978929059 404 8  327pp.

Daniel Nyamai, James Ndufa. (2014). Domesticating Melia volkensii; improving livelihoods in Kenyan Drylands. In: De Leeuw J, Njenga M, Wagner B, Iiyama M. (Eds.) 2014. Treesilience: An assessment of the resilience provided by trees in the drylands of Eastern Africa. Nairobi, Kenya. ICRAF 166 pp.

Badal Hassan, Daniel Nyamai, Emiru Birhane and Mary Njenga. (2014). Gums and aromatic resins. In: De Leeuw J, Njenga M, Wagner B, Iiyama M. (Eds.) 2014. Treesilience: An assessment of the resilience provided by trees in the drylands of Eastern Africa. Nairobi, Kenya. ICRAF 166 pp.

Sammy Carsan, Daniel Nyamai, Esther Karanja and Ramni Jamnadass. (2014). Trees for construction materials. In: De Leeuw J, Njenga M, Wagner B, Iiyama M. (Eds.) 2014. Treesilience: An assessment of the resilience provided by trees in the drylands of Eastern Africa. Nairobi, Kenya. ICRAF 166 pp.


Nyamai, D.O. et al, 2013. A socio-economic valuation of losses from non-compliance with forest law enforcement, governance and trade in East African Community Partner States, Published by LVBC, May 2013, 84pp.

Nyamai, D.O. (2011). Investing in trees: Melia volkensii transforming livelihoods of smallholder farmers in semi-arid South Eastern Kenya. Information Leaflet N0.1, KEFRI/NALEP Publication 

Nyamai, D.O. (2007).  Jatropha curcas: The untapped potential in ECA. Production and Utilization Resource Book 35pp.

Nyamai, D.O. (2005).  TOFNET strategic directions and programme priorities 2005 – 2015 pp70

Nyamai, D.O. and Juma, P. 1996.  Performance of Acacia tortilis, Prosopis juliflora and Casuarina equisitifolia provenances in Soils low in phosphorus. In: Isotope studies on plant productivity, pg. 25-31(IAEA-TECDOC-889)

Nyamai, D.O. et al. 2001 Agroforestry for Sustainable Development: Kenya Agroforestry Network (KAFNET). Corporate Strategic Plan 2001 – 2006, KEFRI, Nairobi 35p.

Nyamai, D.O. et al. (2000). Community Mobilization Against Desertification (C-MAD) Strategic Plan for Medium -Term 2000-2005 Research & Development.

Nyamai, D.O. 1997. Guidelines for Agroforestry and Farm Forestry Technologies with reference to Dryland Conditions. A publication of Forest Awareness and Tree Planting Project, Namibia.

Nyamai, D. O. 1996. Review of Kenyan Agricultural Research.  A joint Publication of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) and Centre for Arid Zone Studies, University of Wales, Bangor, U.K.

Njuguna, J.W., Wanjiku, J. and Nyamai, D.O.  1996.  Adaptive Research and Extension Manual. In: KEFRI Technical Note N0. 12  pp.  57.

Nyamai, D.O.; Maushe, H.K.; Juma, P.; Mohamed, A.M.  1995. Evaluation of Acacia tortilis, Prosopis juliflora, Casuarina equisetifolia and Gliricidia sepium provenances for adaptability to semi-arid to sub-humid sites with phosphorus deficiency.  An IAEA publication-TECDOC-814, July, 1995.

Nyamai, D.O., Kanja, F.M. and Pegorie, J.  1990. On-farm Agroforestry Technology Development studies.  Research Project located in Kakuyuni, Machakos, Kenya. Research Report No. 7, June, 1990.

Nyamai, D.O.  1989. Evaluation of the existing management practices in hedgerow inter- cropping/alley cropping and their implications on nitrogen utilization and soil environment In:  Trees for development in Sub-Saharan Africa, International Foundation for Sciences (IfS), Grev Turegatan 19, S-114 28 Stockholm – Sweden.

Nyamai, D.O. and Kanja, F.M. 1989. On-station studies on the effects of multipurpose trees green manures and hedgerow intercropping on crop production.  Research Report No. 6, November 1989. Publication of the Dryland Agroforestry Research Project.

Susan, M. and Nyamai, D.O. 1988.  Agroforestry Research Project Proposal for the coffee based system in the bimodal highlands, Central and Eastern Provinces, Kenya.  AFRENA Report Series No. 16.

Nyamai, D.O. 1987.  Crop production in an intercropping system with tropical leguminous trees.  Ph.D thesis (University of Oxford).

Nyamai, D.O. 1986.  Decomposition rates of tree foliage used as green manure in agroforestry.   In:  Annual report 523 (14) on silviculture research, University of Oxford, Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford.

Nyamai, D.O. 1985.  Quantitative Research on alley cropping.  In:  A compendium of on-going research in British Universities, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. 1985.

(c) Edited Proceedings, Workshops & Symposiums

Nyamai, D.O. (2018). Keynote Speaker (Sub-Theme, Governance and Economic Development) to the First Pan-African International Research Congress on Knowledge Generation and Dissemination: Harnesing Research Output for Sustainable Development, in Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya, 17-22nd June 2018.

Nyamai, D.O. 2014. Mainstreaming Integrated Natural Resource Management in Agriculture, Bio-economy and the Environment Paper presented at the RESTECH-MIGORI County workshop on policy framework linking Counties Government and policy organizations 15-17 October, 2015, Migori, Kenya;

Nyamai, D.O., Ouma, G.O. and Osida, J.(2017). Promoting Multi-Actor ‘Innovation’ Platforms for Agribusiness Value Chain Models in Great Lakes Region of East Africa.  Conference Proceedings of The 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference (IIC-3) Held at University of Eldoret from September 7th – 9th, 2016  ISBN: 978-9966-26-104-5.© 2017 Published by African Journal Education, Science and Technology (AJEST), UoE (Kenya) in collaboration with COOU (Nigeria) and KyU (Uganda).

Nyamai, D.O. 2014. Mainstreaming Integrated Natural Resource Management in Agriculture, Bio-economy and the Environment Paper presented at the RESTECH-MIGORI County workshop on policy framework linking Counties Government and policy organizations 15-17 October, 2015, Migori, Kenya;

Nyamai, D.O. 2012. Structural and ecological characteristics of smallholder mixed farmers practicing Grevillea robusta dominated agroforestry species in East Africa with particular reference to Central Kenya highland – research & development experiences on biodiversity conservation. Paper presented at the IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress 25-29 June, 2012, Nairobi, Kenya;

Nyamai, D.O. 2013. East African Community Regional Forest Law Enforcement and Trade (FLEGT) research and development focus and implications for Partner States. Published by Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), May 2013, 84pp, Kisumu, Kenya;

Nyamai, D.O. 2012. Agroforestry for enhancing agro-ecosystems and food security: The case of smallholder mixed farmers in dominant in East and Central Africa – research & development experiences of the ASARECA-ICRAF Trees on-farm Network (TOFNET). Paper presented at the IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress 25-29 June, 2012, Nairobi, Kenya;

Nyamai, D.O. 2012. Agroforestry for food security and agro-ecosystem improvement through increases in tree and forest cover. Paper presented as a conference Key Speaker at the Beating Famine Conference, 10-13 April 2012, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.

Nyamai, D.O. and Atta-Krah, K. 2001. Agroforestry research & development: Experiences as relates to biodiversity conservation: A Case Study of the Agroforestry research network for the Bi-modal Highlands of East and Central Africa. Paper presented at the African Sub-Regional Consultative Panel of Experts for the GEF Project UN Convention for Combating Desertification held in Lome, Togo 13-15, June, 2001.

Nyamai, D.O.  Gathumbi, S.M.;  Juma, P.; and Njuguna, C.; 1996.  Hedgerow intercropping technology for soil fertility improvement and management:  A synthesis of various studies conducted in Kenya.  Paper presented during the First Kenya National Agroforestry Conference, KEFRI, Kenya, and March, 1996.

Nyamai, D.O., Muita, D.W. and Mengich, E.K. 1996: Opportunities and Constraints in the Development of Farm Forestry.  In:  Proceedings of Joint KEFRI-FD National Conference.  KEFRI Headquarters, Nairobi, 3-5 June, 1996.  Eds. B.K. Bekuta and R. Schulzke.  pp. 68-80.

Nyamai, D.O., Gathumbi, S.M., Juma, P. and Njuguna, J.C.  1996.  Hedgerow intercropping technology for soil fertility improvement and management:  A synthesis of various studies conducted in Kenya.  In:  People and Institutional Participation in Agroforestry for Sustainable Development.  Proceedings of the First Kenya Agroforestry Conference.  KEFRI, Nairobi, 25-29 March 1996.  Ed.  J.O. Mugah.

Nyamai, D.O.; Esilaba, A.; Odongo, N.; Ongugo, P.; Wanjiku, J. and Njuguna, J. 1992. Alley Farming Technology development for integrated soil fertility management and supplementary livestock feed.  Paper presented at the Alley farming workshop held at ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya, and January, 1991.

Nyamai, D.O.  1992.  Methods and Approached for Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs Screening for Agroforestry.  Paper presented at an International Conference on Development of New crops held in Jerusalem, Israel, March, 1992.

Nyamai, D. O.; Otieno, J.H.; Gathumbi, S.M.; and Amadalu, B.  1992. Evaluation of the performance of hedgerow intercropping for soil fertility management in different Agro-ecological zones in Western Kenya.  Paper presented at the regional workshop for East and Central Africa Agroforestry Research Networks for Africa (AFRENA) held at Kigali, Rwanda, 19-24 June, 1992.

Thomas, T.H.; Wajtkowski, P.A.; Bezkorowajinyi, P.G.; Nyamai, D.O. and Willis, R.W. 1991. Bio-economic Modelling of Agroforestry Systems:  A case study of Leucaena and Maize in W. Kenya.  Paper presented to the NFTA Workshop on the Economics of Agroforestry Systems.  East West Centre, University of Hawaii, USA, July 22-26, 1991.

Nyamai, D.O.  1991. Effects of clearing Acacia mearnsii on Soil Organic Phosphorus.  Paper Presented at the SCOPE/UNEP International Workshop on “Phosphorus-Cycles in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems” Edited by H. Tjessen and E. Frossard.  Proceedings of a workshop arranged by the scientific committee on problems of Environment (SCOPE) and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) at UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, March 18 – 22, 1991, 239p.

Nyamai, D.O. 1991. Review of On-station and On-farm Research and Development in Kenya with specific reference to highland areas of Kenya.  Paper presented at the East and Central Africa AFRENA Regional Workshop held at ICRAF, Nairobi, 8 – 12 July, 1991.  In:  Workshop Proceedings

Nyamai, D.O. 1990. Nitrogen fixation by leguminous trees and its availability to the crop in association as well as the effects on the soil nitrogen capital, an abstract. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Nitrogen fixation, Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A., May, 20-26, 1990.

Odera, J.A. and Nyamai, D.O. 1990. Agroforestry Research in farming systems approach. Paper presented at the Ministry of Agriculture/KARI Workshop on Farming systems approach to Research Extension and Training held at Nyeri, Kenya, 5-7 March, 1990.

Nyamai, D.O. 1990. On-farm Research:  Concepts, Strategies and objectives with reference to Agroforestry Technology Development and Validation.  Paper prepared for the KEFRI Conference/Open Day, KEFRI, Nairobi, Kenya, and November 1990.

Nyamai, D.O.  1990. Hedgerow intercropping with tropical leguminous trees. Oxford Forestry Institute, Occasional Papers No. 45 (87).

Nyamai, D.O.  1990. Dry season cut and carry fodder bank for sub-humid Western Kenya mixed farming system.  KEFRI Technical Note No. (4) 23.

Nyamai, D.O. 1989. The role and benefits of alley cropping/hedgerow intercropping Agroforestry technology in crop production.  In:  KEFRI Newsletter No.8.

Nyamai, D.O.  1989. Synopsis on on-going research in agroforestry.  In:  The Proceedings of KEFRI’s Strategic Plan document for the year 2000.

Kaudia, A.; Nyamai, D.O. and Getahum, A.  1989. Compatibility and the potential role of Perennial Sesbania in Kenya’s agriculture.  A review presented at the PANESA/IDRC Sesbania Workshop, 28-30 August, 1989, Kisumu.

Nyamai, D.O. 1988.  Collaboration in Agroforestry Research planning and Implementation. In:  Proceedings of the 2nd Kenya National Seminar on Agroforestry

Scherr, S. and Nyamai, D.O. 1988. Assessing Tree Survival in the CARE/KEFRI Agroforestry Extension and Research Project.  In:  Proceedings of Agroforestry Monitoring and Evaluation Methodology Programme Regional Workshop held in Kisumu, May, 15-20, 1988.